GTFS Data Development
TurnKey is an experienced provider of GTFS development services, offering comprehensive and tailored solutions to meet your needs as a transit provider. We have worked with both urban and rural transit agencies to streamline the integration of their transit services into Google Maps, enhance service visibility and reach, and ensure compliance with the FTA NTD GTFS reporting requirements.

Approach and Methodology
We can offer a turnkey approach, handling the entire process from start to finish, or a more customized approach, providing dedicated support and training to your agency throughout the integration process. Our experienced team will guide you step-by-step, ensuring a smooth transition and empowering your staff with the necessary skills and knowledge to maintain and optimize your transit feed within Google Maps and stay in compliance with FTA NTD GTFS reporting requirements. TurnKey's experienced GIS staff can work with your agency to map out your services turn-by-turn to ensure smooth integration into your GTFS data set so that routes look professional and clear on trip planning platforms. TurnKey has experience developing GTFS feeds for simple fixed-route services which follow one route and schedule each day as well as services that have differing routes for each run, complex schedules which differ by day of the week, and integration of request-only drop-off and pickup services.
Our Focus
Turn-by-turn route & stop mapping
Accurate schedule integration
Public facing web map development
GTFS File development & delivery
Transit agency staff training to ensure GTFS data sustainability
Google Transit Integration
TurnKey can help integrate your GTFS data into the Google Transit Partnerdash platform, allowing your transit service information to be accessible by the public through Google Maps. We work with Partnerdash staff to validate and troubleshoot your GTFS feed. Integrating your transit system into Google Maps streamlines journey planning by providing users with convenient access to transit routes, schedules, and real-time updates. It enables seamless planning of multimodal trips and transfers, while also offering real-time updates and service changes to riders. Integration enhances service visibility, reaching a wider user base and attracting new riders.


Asset Management Services
TurnKey provides Asset Management Services to owners and Agencies that are responsible for maintaining infrastructure. Knowing what assets you have, and the condition of those assets, allows these owners to forecast budgets and to perform the right maintenance at the right time. TurnKey works together with the owners to develop strategies that fit the desirable level of service, taking into account the asset conditions, fiscal constraints, and agency priorities.

Our Focus
Asset Identification
Imagery Documentation
Condition Evaluation
Maintenance Optimization
Life Cycle Cost Projections
Risk Identification

Approach and Methodology
For pavements, condition evaluation methodology can include sample section-based PCI evaluations per ASTM D6433 or full pavement area PASER evaluations. TurnKey collects and utilizes Turn360 imagery with AI data extraction modeling to identify and geographically inventory desired above-ground roadway assets and assess condition. With that inventory, we can develop a wholistic and comprehensive asset management plan and maintenance cost projections for the asset network and custom-built management tools for scenario and budget planning. The developed plan and tool will integrate various asset types to ensure all assets are considered when project and maintenance planning occurs, to ensure no assets are neglected throughout the lifecycle of a roadway.